Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wreath Making

The perch where I have coffee every morning with my husband come rain, shine or snow!

My Golden Retriever "Summer" also loves to perch here.

I gathered cedar and  douglas fir boughs this morning, and also found some
holly with berries in our woods too. 

I weave and crimp with wire to make a solid foundation, these are rustic wreaths, using what materials you have in your backyard.  My sister lives in Eastern WA and uses pine for her wreaths.  Tomorrow I will finish with bows and holly.  I need 3 for my doors, and will make a few to give as gifts to friends.  The idea is to keep it simple, make them yourself,  and use the materials you have on hand in your area.

"Rodney" the rooster

The chickens all tucked in tonight, safe and sound.

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